The goal of this pre-assignment is to practice basics of C programming that go beyond other languages. This is also an opportunity to train the use of the terminal environment and make.

Stack and heap allocation

Memory can be allocated on the stack and on the heap. In these assignments you get to know common simple programming patterns that give you access to both.

Most relevant videos: Basic C Programming, Memory Handling in C.

Stack allocation

Allocation describes the reserving of memory for a program. Stack allocation is the fastest variant. While the C standard makes no assumption on what memory is allocated on the stack, it is reasonable to assume that arrays of static size are allocated on the stack.

Write a program employing the following allocation pattern

int size = 10;

int as[size];
for ( size_t ix = 0; ix < size; ++ix )
  as[ix] = 0;

printf("%d\n", as[0]);

Make sure that you place the declaration of the array in the main function (as opposed to global scope).

Compile and run the program. Then increase the size of the array, recompile and run, until the program fails with a segmentation fault. Explain this behavior assuming that that allocation was performed on the stack.

Heap allocation

Heap allocation is the alternative to stack allocation. It is generally slower, but more flexible. In particular, it has less restrictions on the size of allocated memory.

Write a program with the following allocation pattern

int size = 10;

int * as = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * size);
for ( size_t ix = 0; ix < size; ++ix )
  as[ix] = 0;

printf("%d\n", as[0]);


Compile and run as above, and verify that the program does not fail for sizes that triggered a segmentation fault before.

Reducing memory fragmentation

When allocating memory on the heap, there is no guarantee about where it is positioned. A common strategy to avoid this is to allocate memory in large blocks (contiguous memory). Implement a program based on the next two code snippets. Explain the meaning of all variables, and exhibit the possible layout of allocated memory in both cases.

Using contiguous memory and thus avoiding memory fragmentation:

int size = 10;

int * asentries = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * size*size);
int ** as = (int**) malloc(sizeof(int*) * size);
for ( size_t ix = 0, jx = 0; ix < size; ++ix, jx+=size )
  as[ix] = asentries + jx;

for ( size_t ix = 0; ix < size; ++ix )
  for ( size_t jx = 0; jx < size; ++jx )
    as[ix][jx] = 0;

printf("%d\n", as[0][0]);


Not avoiding memory fragmentation:

int size = 10;

int ** as = (int**) malloc(sizeof(int*) * size);
for ( size_t ix = 0; ix < size; ++ix )
  as[ix] = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * size);

for ( size_t ix = 0; ix < size; ++ix )
  for ( size_t jx = 0; jx < size; ++jx )
    as[ix][jx] = 0;

printf("%d\n", as[0][0]);

for ( size_t ix = 0; ix < size; ++ix )

Most relevant videos: Basic C Programming, Memory Handling in C.

Writing to files

Implement two programs. One that

The other one

How does your choice of memory allocation (contiguous vs. noncontiguous) impact the possibilties to write the matrix in text and binary format?

Most relevant videos: Memory Handling in C, Files in C and Binary Data.

Parsing command line arguments

Programs can be called with command line arguments. For example, a program printargs might be called as

./printargs -a2 -b4

These arguments are passed to the main function

    int argc,
    char *argv[]

as an array of null-terminated strings argv (argument vector), the number of which is argc (argument count). In the above example the argument count is 3 and the argument vector accordingly contains 3 strings "./printargs", "-a2", and "-b4".

Implement a program that

For example calling

printargs -a2 -b4


printargs -b4 -a2

should output

A is 2 and B is 4

As a final remark observe that standard programs would equally accept "-a2" and "-a 2". When using standard solutions like POSIX getopt, this is automatically taken care of.

Most relevant videos: Pointer Arithmetic, String Encoding and Handling.

Naive benchmarking

Implement a program that

Compile and run the program with all possible optimization levels (add the flags -O0, -O1, -O2, -O3, -Os, and -Og to the compiler).

Discuss the timing results and speculate about the possible cause.

Most relevant videos: Basic C Programming. In particular, you are not expected to watch the video on naive benchmarking from week 3.

Learning summary

This assignment is a preparation towards your working on Assignments 2 through 5. In particular, you will need the following: